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QPR is a free, 1-hour training on suicide prevention from the QPR Institute. QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer and stands as a model for how to respond when someone discloses suicidal thoughts/feelings to you. Participants also learning the warning signs to help recognize when someone might be experiencing a suicidal crisis, as well as information to dispel common myths about suicide that contribute to its stigmatization.

This QPR training session does not require registration. If you’re available, come join us for this important and life-saving training on Sunday, June 23rd, from 2:30pm-3:30pm, at the Carlisle Fire Department (615 NW Front St, Milford, DE 19963).

Have any questions? Reach out to Jenn Ford at jford@namide.org or 302-427-0787 ext. 116.

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